Sunday, July 18, 2010

The final countdown

We're less than 2 weeks away from the wedding now, and while it is one of the most exciting times throughout this whole planning process, it is also one of the most stressful! You get engaged, you take some time to celebrate, and then you tell yourself you must get down to business. You tell yourself you will get as much done ahead of time as possible so that you can just enjoy the last 3 weeks before your wedding day. And before you know it, you realize you are the procrastinating, stressed out bride.

It's not just me who is feeling the stress either, Rob is right there with me! I won't lie, there has been a little tension lately. It's really nothing more than an argument over the seating chart and a minor freak out about whether we will have wedding programs or not, but still, more tension than we are use to.

Today Rob said, 'I don't know why I'm stressing out, you've been doing wedding stuff for the past year - I just started!' Good point babe ;) It feels like crunch time, but in less than 2 weeks we won't even remember what we were stressed out about. The wedding will go on, programs or no programs, and we are going to enjoy every minute of it. I can't wait.

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