As we sat down to eat we noticed Roxanne over near the couch eating or chewing on something, and when Rob investigated he discovered she had thrown up. It mostly looked like a big pile of food and treats, so we weren't super concerned at first. Maybe she just ate too fast or too many treats upset her stomach or something. So we put her in the kitchen where at least she couldn't go back to the vomit spot with cleaner on it, and if she got sick again she wouldn't be on the carpet. From the kitchen table we could still see her through the gate, so we did get to enjoy our taco and guac feast, but once dinner was over it was really over.
We started clearing our plates and let Roxanne out of the kitchen, and within minutes she was behind the couch throwing up again...2 big piles. As I started to clean that up, Rob put her near the front door and she threw up liquid...2 times. Back to the kitchen she went, so we could clean up the mess by the front door. Five minutes later she was throwing up in the kitchen...4 or 5 more times (I lost count). It was unreal. It was messy. But mostly we just felt so bad for our little girl.
I will say I fell even more in love with Rob tonight. He handled the barf-fest very well- and if you know anything about him and his reactions to certain bodily functions you would have been impressed. This gives me hope for the future when he encounters his first diaper change. He loves Roxanne so much, I think he might do anything for her. At first I was optimistic, telling myself I'm sure she's OK, but then when the vomiting wouldn't stop I began to get upset. Rob called the emergency animal clinic and decided we should take Roxanne in, so he figured out the directions, drove us there and checked us in.
Wouldn't you know, and knowing her I was not surprised, that once we walked into the waiting room Roxanne was walking around, wagging her tail, checking people out, and of all things trying to eat the leaves off the plant near the door. We felt like the stereotypical 1st time parents who freak out over things that end up being nothing at all. I even commented to a woman in the waiting room that she was not acting this OK 15 minutes ago...she said "It always is that way, isn't it?"
The doctor checked her out and said things seemed normal from what he could tell, but was concerned about dehydration so they gave her a shot of fluids and an antacid to settle her stomach. Since she is up to date on her vaccinations he wasn't too concerned about it being something serious, but said that if the vomiting continued we should definitely take her to the vet.
I was confident she was going to be fine, but then at 11pm she started gaging again. I ended up sleeping on the floor with her by the front door in case she got sick again. Sure enough, at 1am and 4:30am she got sick. I just felt awful. Back to the vet we went after I dropped Rob off at work this morning.
She's been there all day, and we're picking her up around 6pm. The vet gave me a couple of updates, saying the anti-nausea meds are working well, she is keeping food down, and in one of the x-rays they think they saw a piece of something that could have been plastic, a sliver of wood, or a sewing needle. The needle is out, I don't sew. But the wood or plastic are definite possibilities, she chews on and tries to eat anything she can outside. Since whatever they saw disappeared in a second x-ray, they think she will be able to pass it fine. So now she'll be on a bland diet and stomach meds for the next few days. It sure is quiet without her around the apartment today! Hopefully she has a fast recovery, especially since the grandparents will be watching her this weekend since Rob and I will be in NYC for the marathon. Get better little monster!
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