Sunday, June 6, 2010

Secret Stash

Usually after a couple moves in together one of the first questions people ask is 'So what has changed?' or 'What have you discovered about your significant other that you didn't know before?' Usually I give it some thought but end up replying with 'Nothing has really changed.' And this is mostly true, except for one thing I never use to do before living with Rob, which is hide food.

Tonight Rob and I were watching the basketball and hockey games on TV, when I got up and went to the kitchen. He found me a few minutes later standing at the counter eating Tagalong girl scout cookies. He took one look at the cookies and said 'YOU ARE SO ANNOYING!' And I started laughing hysterically, and told him 'No, I'm just smart!' I bought those cookies back in March, and up until today they have been sitting in a bag under our bed. They may be his favorite cookies, next to thin mints, but if I kept them in the kitchen like a normal person would do, they would have been gone before I ever saw them.

Just this past week a couple of snacks disappeared out of the cabinet before I ever saw them opened. The can of cashews I originally bought for Mongolian Beef, but then forgot to add to the recipe, were gone the next day. Rob later told me he took them to work and finished them before lunch! A few days later it was the bag of bagel chips. Gone in one day.

Rob's eating habits are nothing new to me. Back in the days of Warren Towers and Late Nite, he would consume a big bag of reese's pieces in one sitting and then complain that his stomach hurt. And I won't forget the first time I bought a box of chewy bars for him on the way to the Cape...8 bars gone before we even got there. I have come to expect this from him, which is why I have resorted to hiding boxes of cookies under the bed. It's win-win really. I get a bite before they're all gone, and Rob doesn't get as many stomach aches.


  1. HAHA!!! it would appear this is a common problem. I have to hide food from Chris too (especially candy) or I'll never get any. Recently I made french fries in the oven and took some in a bowl to eat...when I went back for more they were gone. The pan was cleaned up and everything! He demolished them.

  2. I have the same problem. We literally keep a sharpie in our kitchen for refrigerated things so I can write "NO - BENJAMIN HANDS OFF" on the things I can't hide!
