It was a perfect day for the race. After taking Rob to the bus by the Commons at 6:30am, Rob's Dad and I eventually made our way out to mile 16 to cheer on Rob. We saw the elite women and men runners go by, then came the 'regular' but really fast runners, and then before we knew it there was Rob waving and yelling to us. I got a quick picture, yelled out a 'Go Babe- I love you!' and then we hurried to the T station to get back downtown.
We made it in time to see Rob again near the finish. He was going a little slower, and this time instead of saying he felt good like he did at mile 16, he just gave a little wave. Who knows what he must have been feeling at that point- so close yet so far away from being able to stop running. But at least we knew then that he was indeed going to finish, and with a kick-butt time at that!
We met him at the family meeting area, exchanged many hugs, took lots of pictures, checked out his awesome medal and asked to hear all about his 26.2 mile run. He said it went by so fast, so much of it was a blur at that moment. He said it was a difficult course, everything everyone with past experience tells you is right, the girls cheering at Wellesley were crazy, heartbreak hill wasn't as bad as what comes after it, and that he definitely wants to try and do it all again next year.